
The Party Manifesto and Rulebook


1. Introduction

At Polinet, we envision a future where every citizen is an active participant in shaping the destiny of our nation. We believe in a political system that empowers individuals, fosters community engagement, and brings about real change through a direct digital democracy.

2. Connecting Communities: The Autonomy App

Our cornerstone initiative is the Autonomy app, a revolutionary tool designed to connect people at the local and national levels. We propose providing basic smartphones to ensure universal access to this platform, closing the digital divide and allowing everyone to engage in the democratic process seamlessly.

3. Empowering Individuals

Polinet aims to transform the way citizens communicate with the government. Through the Autonomy app, individuals can report issues, engage in anonymous debates, and vote on key matters that affect their lives. We champion autonomy, putting decision-making power directly into the hands of the people rather than leaving it in the hands of party executives.

4. Grassroots Decision-Making

Polinet stands out as a party that prioritizes the voice of the people. Our platform enables the nation to collectively decide on key issues, breaking away from traditional party structures. Through the Autonomy app, citizens have a direct say in policy decisions, ensuring a truly democratic process.

5. Direct Democracy in Action

Our primary policy is simple yet transformative: we commit to following the instructions given through the app. This mechanism ensures direct democracy, allowing the will of the people to shape legislation for the benefit of all.

6. Member Empowerment

The Autonomy app includes a dedicated members’ area where users actively participate in shaping party policy and rules, and making decisions about members or representatives that break those party rules. This collaborative approach guarantees that the party remains a reflection of the collective will of its members.

7. Environmental Responsibility

Polinet is committed to minimizing its ecological footprint. By operating primarily online, we eliminate the need for regional offices and large conferences, significantly reducing paper usage and pollution. The Autonomy app also serves as a central platform to address environmental issues, allowing the nation to collectively prioritize and propose solutions.

8. Efficiency in Governance

We recognize that a multitude of issues contribute to the challenges our nation faces. Through improved communication and early issue identification, Polinet aims to streamline governance, save public funds, and address problems before they escalate. A more efficient system will signal stability to global industries, and attract foreign investment.

9. Global Digital Democracy

Polinet aspires to extend its model beyond national borders. We will over time apply for party status in all democratic countries, empowering people globally to take control of their destinies while respecting the sovereignty of each nation. Our vision is a world where digital democracy unites nations in collaborative progress.

10. Join the Movement

Embark on this journey to digital democracy with us. Become a member, make a donation, or both. Volunteer your skills by emailing, and consider a fulfilling career with us. Together, we can revolutionize governance, empower individuals, and build a brighter future for all. Join Polinet, where your voice shapes the nation’s destiny.

Discover Autonomy

Our app will change democracy

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