Get Involved

Join us today and help shape tomorrow


At only £3 per month, your membership will help build the app that will change politics forever. 

When you join us as a member, you’re not just signing up for access; you’re stepping closer to having a say in how our government operates. 

Being a member means your voice matters in shaping the future of the PoliNet party and the Autonomy app. If you have ideas or suggestions for improvements, we’re all ears. But that’s not all – as a member, you have the power to propose and vote on disciplinary actions against MPs and fellow members who break our party rules. 

Your membership gives you the authority to actively participate in discussions and debates about our party’s rules and policies.

You’ll also get the chance to dive into discussions about policy and party issues with other members. 

And to top it off, as a member, you’ll be among the first to know when decisions have been made. We value your involvement! 


Donations are very welcome and are subject to parliamentary rules.  

We will take donations up until the app can provide enough revenue to run itself and support the party. 

These donations will also go towards funding for building and supporting the Autonomy app, developed in Sheffield by an award-winning company, Appt. Funds will also go towards staffing the PoliNet office and creating a governmental infrastructure ready to administrate your instruction.



We need volunteers to bring their skills. If you believe you have something to help the party move forward, get in touch.

We’re also looking for staff for the PoliNet Party Office.

Visitors to the Website may make a contribution to PoliNet in 2 ways: a) by making a donation via Chuffed; or b) by signing up as a member of the PoliNet party and paying the monthly membership fee. For information on making a donation or becoming a member of the PoliNet party please see the Website and the relevant sections below.  

By making a donation or paying the monthly membership fee (collectively known as making a “Contribution”), you acknowledge that no promises or guarantees are made in terms of how funds are used. Any Contributions, including both donations and membership fees, will be used as PoliNet continues efforts to develop a new political party.
Support PoliNet


The app that will change democracy

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